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The rise of climate change litigation

On 26 May 2021, The Hague District Court issued a landmark judgment by ordering Royal Dutch Shell to reduce its global CO2 emissions (scope 1-3) by 45% by 2030, compared to 2019 levels. In this webinar, our Litigation experts Albert Knigge and Paul Sluijter will address this judgment and other landmark judgments (such as the ...

Duration: 90 Minutes

Climate projects & State aid law | The opportunities and challenges

Achieving climate goals and digital transition requires significant investments from both governments and the business community. The government has reserved a sum of over EUR 8.4 billion for extra investments in innovative technology, infrastructure for clean energy and the reduction of CO2 emissions. The State aid rules that have been amended in light of the ...

Duration: 1 Hours

Climate projects & effective permitting

Achieving the very ambitious CO2 reduction targets by 2030 will require a major transition and system change in the field of renewable energy and CO2 reduction, with large-scale wind, solar, geothermal, CCS/CCU, hydrogen and electrification projects. In realising these climate projects, one of the most critical factors in lead time is the permits. The current ...

Duration: 1 Hours