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onAIr episode #4 | Robotics & Manufacturing

In this episode we have technology giant ASML, Arnaud Hubaux, Product Cluster Manager, at the table to share their lessons about AI in manufacturing. TNO, Joris SijsLead scientist AI and Autonomous Systems, brings robot dog Spot by Boston Dynamics to the studio to tell us how this machine can help organizations operate more safely and ...

Duration: 45 Minutes

onAIr episode #3 | Government & Public Services

Can a government organization be a front-runner in the AI transformation? Most definitely, as is shown by the city of Amsterdam. In onAIr they tell us all about their AI initiatives like the garbage identifier and algorithm register. The NS share their insights in building a prediction engine for passengers in their trains. And startup ...

Duration: 45 Minutes

onAIr episode #2 | Natural Language Processing

In this broadcast of onAIr we zoom in on Natural Language Processing (NLP). Simply said: computers learn to read and write. In the studio, two NLP experts explain how and why they apply this technology.

Pieter Boon from Cape Town AI talks about automatic cash register systems using AI. We are sorry to say that Pieter Boon passed away ...

Duration: 45 Minutes
Duration: 45 Minutes